特許について | 株式会社ホットアルバム炭酸泉タブレット


Our developed products, the "Carbonated Spring Tablet" and the "Carbonated Spring Tablet Dedicated Showerhead," are patented.

Patent Rights for Carbonated Spring Tablets

In 2009, our company was the first in the world to develop the "Carbonated Spring Tablet." Since then, we have obtained a total of five patents related to this product. We have taken legal action against various manufacturers and sellers of similar products to eliminate these imitations.

Patents Held by Our Company

1.Patent Number: 5017516 Title: Tablet Manufacturing Method
2.Patent Number: 6000630 Title: Tablet Manufacturing Method
3.Patent Number: 5588490 Title: Tablet Manufacturing Method and Tablet
4.Patent Number: 5877778 Title: Tablet Manufacturing Method and Tablet
5.Patent Number: 6220530 Title: Hair Washing Method

Patent Rights for Carbonated Spring Tablet Dedicated Showerhead

Our "Carbonated Spring Tablet Dedicated Showerhead" has also obtained a total of four patents.

Patents Held by Our Company

1.Patent Number: 6081770 Title: Method and Apparatus for Producing Microbubble Mixed Water
2.Patent Number: 6268226 Title: Shower Equipment
3.Patent Number: 6125255 Title: Method and Apparatus for Producing Carbonated Water and Carbonated Gas Dissolving Kit Formulation
4.Patent Number: 6268332 Title: Method and Apparatus for Producing Carbonated Gas Microbubble Mixed Water

Certification Marks for Our Products

All of our products bear the certification mark (Koboshi Method) shown above. When handling carbonated spring tablets, please check for the presence of this mark. It certifies the quality and safety of our products, ensuring they are not imitations or inferior goods.

Furthermore, even if a company implementing our patented inventions holds patents on certain ingredients of their own carbonated spring tablets, this does not negate our patent rights. Please be aware of this.

There are various imitations of carbonated spring tablets on the market. As the genuine leading company in the invention of carbonated spring tablets, we are determined to take decisive action, including litigation, against manufacturers and dealers of counterfeit products. We welcome inquiries from companies worldwide