弊社の取り組み | 株式会社ホットアルバム炭酸泉タブレット

General business owner action plan

Healthy company declaration

Six months have passed since we declared ourselves a healthy company on April 16, 2019, with the slogan, "Employee health is a company's pride. A vibrant workplace comes from employee health." I would like to continue raising awareness of health promotion within the company.

General business owner action plan based on the “Next Generation Act”

We have formulated the following action plan in order to create a comfortable employment environment where employees can demonstrate their abilities and achieve a balance between work and life.

Planning period

5 years from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2026

Our challenges

Our company, which has been in business for 6 years, has only been in business for a short time, so the difference in years of employment between men and women is almost 0.5 years, but in order to encourage women to play an active role and balance family and nursing care, and to encourage continued employment in the future, we provide paid leave. Achieve work-life balance by increasing the acquisition rate.

The goal

Goal 1: Increase paid leave acquisition rate to 90%

Initiative details and implementation timing

From June 2021: create an annual paid leave acquisition plan and create an environment where employees can take annual paid leave in a planned manner.

Goal 1: Increase paid leave acquisition rate to 90%

Initiative details and implementation timing

From June 2021: onwards, employees will be able to take paid vacations in a planned manner, and in preparation for temporary closures due to the effects of the new coronavirus, work content will be shared and visualized with workplace teams, and employees will be able to take vacations and leave without disrupting their work.

Goal 3: Improve and support the workplace environment to encourage men to participate in childcare

Initiative details and implementation timing

From June 2021: Establish a system to provide information and consultation on the significance and importance of childcare participation for male employees and their superiors.

Obtained ISO27001 certification

On December 17, 2019, Hot Album Carbonated Spring Tablet Co., Ltd. obtained ISO27001 certification, an international standard for information security management systems.

ISMS is a system for building and operating an information security management system for the entire organization.
With this certification, a third-party organization has certified that our information management system is appropriate in terms of security.

We will continue to make all employees aware of our information security basic policy and strive to maintain and improve information security management.

Registered organization name HOT ALBUM TANSANSEN TABLET Co., Ltd.
Applicable standard JIS Q 27001:2014 (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
Certification registration number IR0078
Registration date December 17, 2019
Scope of certification Products (including services), processes:
Development and sales of bicarbonate bath additives,
Healthcare business using bicarbonate bath salts
Certification body IMG Certification and Registration Center Co., Ltd.